MD Summer Camp

An exciting holiday for kids and youngsters from 8 to 18 years old!   [Programs for one, two & three weeks]

Included are:

The Camp

160.000 m2 of nature.
Small houses for our guests.
Basketball courts, tennis courts 2 swimming pools, beach-volley, football, trampolines, mini-golf, badminton, climbing wall and ping-pong.

Horseback riding, Tae Kwon Do, archery, roller skating, aerobics, water polo, fencing, rock climbing & cycling.

Sports & theater & creative groups, dance classes, music nights, movies, parties and fun contests.

With MD Holidays nothing is set in stone, except for our dedication to service and quality.
We will be happy to arrange the most fun and educational packages for and with you.


Included in the program is a weekly excursion with professional guidance.

Flexibility is our main aim, but here are some ideas:

  1. A day at Europe’s biggest waterthemed park
  2. A day of culture at the Knossos Palace and the birth-cave of Zeus
  3. A hiking trip with picnic
  4. A fun boat trip, etc. etc.

Language Courses:

During the SummerCamps we can arrange intensive language courses for the young that have a proven success rate.
Should you need any information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Safety & Guidance

Our camp is fully up to date with all European safety specifications and includes 24/7 security as well as on site medical services.

Among our full time staff we have a psychologist, social workers, nurses and a nutritionist.


A full nutritional program created by experts, based on the Mediterranean diet:


B2B Rates